WesPark Support Team

Oct 29, 20202 min

Growth Marketing: What It Is and Why You Need It

Consumers are inundated with advertising and marketing campaigns day-in, day-out, and it’s become more difficult than ever before to get your business to stand out. In order to do so, you need to create marketing campaigns that connect with your customers on a deeper level; that creates organic growth and has natural virality. This is called growth marketing.

What is Growth Marketing?

Growth marketing takes marketing as we know it and adds layers to help it apply and thrive in the modern age; things like A/B testing, content marketing, email marketing campaigns, experimental ad copy, and analysis of user experience. All of these strategies are analyzed and quickly implemented to achieve sustainable growth.

What Does it Do Differently to Traditional Marketing?

Traditionally, marketing campaigns are planned and then implemented over months, during which ads are left to work with very little engagement with prospects. At the end of the campaign, it is analyzed and learned from. Growth marketing is different. When you implement growth marketing, you aim to offer value to your prospects throughout the marketing funnel, engaging with them frequently until they begin to champion your brand.

Is Growth Marketing the Same as Growth Hacking?

Yes and no. While the two terms are often used interchangeably, growth marketing encompasses all your marketing efforts while growth hacking is a direct attack on a single problem to grow the business ASAP.

Why Do I Need Growth Marketing?

Quite simply, without it, you will be left in the dust of all the other businesses who are using growth marketing strategies. While you allow your marketing to look after itself, they are analyzing their data, connecting with their users, and experimenting with new ways or marketing to stand out from the crowd.

Growth marketers are willing to throw spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks and aren’t concerned with what didn’t. They don’t allow “failures” to hold them back from trying something new in the future. It’s these very experiments that help them to go viral or do something revolutionary that explodes their growth.

When you choose growth marketing, you choose your customers. You are their advocate and you want them to get the value they’re looking for. Whether that’s looking better, doing something with more ease, or learning to do something they didn’t think was possible for them, you want them to succeed with your products. You aren’t just around for their money, you’re around for their success, too. And it is this mentality that will get you a loyal following ready and willing to evangelize your brand, buy your products and cause the explosive growth you desire.
